Clean, Calm & Cozy

Clean, Calm & Cozy

In 2017 after working out, a fitness pro asked me, "What do you do for recovery?" I didn't know how to answer. Recovery from what? My life included the responsibilities and activities raising 4 children with my husband, working, fitting in some gym time and playing tennis. For whatever reason, I think he thought I was under some kind of stress. Weird, right? It dawned on me that he had a point. Even though everyone's stress and tolerance baselines are different, I realized that it was not part of my daily or even monthly routine to factor in some time for de-stressing. I started paying attention to my own recovery; activities which helped me decompress, lower my cortisol levels, & make me feel a sense of inner calm. Like I could breathe & rest for periods of time without our family systems and routines falling apart.

As a life coach for 17 years, I used to help folks find ways to leverage their strengths to achieve goals and live with sustainable purpose and fulfillment. The keyword being sustainable. It turns out learning skills of resiliency and recovery are keys to unlocking a healthy and sustainable way of living.

You might be thinking, so what does this have to do with soap, and why are you telling me all this?

When Blue Heron landed in our lives five days before MN shut down due to Covid in March 2020, I wasn't exactly sure how the business could be used for the greater good other than to make beautiful high quality soap that people would trust us to use on their skin in the most environmentally friendly way possible. 

To spread lather like love.

We changed out plastic packaging for compostable cellulose fiber, installed solar, formulated palm free soap using raw fair trade shea and cocoa butter traditionally hand-processed by women in Ghana so they can send their kids to school. Along the way giving over 10% of profits to our local food shelf, a village in Kenya and other local causes benefitting children's cancer research, military spouses and racial and gender equality.

With a couple of years of growing alongside Blue Heron and playing in my soap laboratory, I've gravitated toward formulating bath fizzies, bath teas, and pouring soy candles in addition to soaps. All calming essentials to help you take time to recover from daily life stresses. 

Giving you a chance to relax and recover in the comfort of your home.

I'm happy and humbled to announce: 

Blue Heron Soap Company is becoming Blue Heron Body Home to help you create Clean, Calm & Cozy in your Body, Home & Life.

We hope you'll continue on this journey with us of being environmentally sound, giving to causes benefitting children, racial & gender equity here and abroad while providing our Blue Heron flock of fans some beautiful, high quality products to enjoy some respite along life's path.

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About the Author

About the Author

Meet Jen, the passionate owner of Blue Heron Body Home, a sustainable soap and candle company. Inspired by her family's personal challenges, she infuses her products with mindfulness and conscientious choices, creating a transformative journey towards a healthier planet for future generations.

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